Ten Tips How to Take Care of Newborn Baby In Winter in Urdu

Baby Care In Winter In Urdu

Parents should take a number of precautions after the birth of a newborn baby in winter. This can save the newborn baby from many diseases and ailments. Especially the first cold is very difficult for children. In this, children can get sick very quickly. If a few things are taken care of in winter season, then the child can be saved from many troubles.

Like how to keep a baby warm in the cold. What precautions should mother take? How to bathe a baby. How to dress a baby. When to change a baby's diaper. What foods should be given to the child to protect him from the cold?

This video how to take care newborn baby in winter is in Urdu language.


The material used in this video is for informational purposes only. Be sure to seek the advice of a doctor and a specialist in the field. Thanks!

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